Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Welcome to Two Eighty Eight

I can't remember the subject, but I do remember the two sentences that started all this:

"Man we should make a podcast. People would love hearing what we have to say!"

Now mind you, my partner-in-crime, Anthony, said this at midnight. In a bar. After a few drinks. So I wasn't exactly as thrilled with the idea as he was. Neither was our third wheel, Stephen, but that's more because he's an emotional-less cyborg. What would we talk about? And who would even care enough to listen to us two jamokes ramble on and on?

"Come on, it will be awesome" Whatever, bruh.

So we started recording demo podcasts and working out the kinks about 3 months ago. My God, there were a lot of kinks: Mispronunciations, stuttering, and bad transitions and that's just on my end. You don't even want to how terrible Anthony was. But you know what? It was fun for us and for the small circle of friends that we allowed to listen even if we were just messing around and talking about random topics. The only issue was the delivery system. Sending the podcasts through email and asking others to forward it on to others became very tedious. We needed something simple.

Say hello to the next step and welcome to Two Eighty Eight. Here we will discuss damn near anything in the world of sports and entertainment while giving it our own Houston flair in our writings and podcasts. Right now, we only have one writer (me), one on-going podcast, (The Q and A Podcast) and one cyborg producer, (Stephen) but we will do what we can to grow and find more talent even if it's just our colorful cast of friends. Will we make a ton of fans and money so we can quit our day jobs? Probably not but I can guarantee it will be entertaining.

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